Thursday 16 May 2013

Discovering Kensington

On day two of my London adventure my roommates and I had to find our way to W. Cromwell street in order to find our school.  In theory this journey should have taken us forty minutes by bus, tube, and walking, but in practice it took about an hour and twenty minutes.  We got out of Earl's Court station on the wrong side and proceeded to wander around Kensington until we managed to find Capa and be the last ones to arrive to orientation.  I had planned on finding some noms and coffee before we had to be there, but instead had to sit through a three hour orientation instead.  Once we were released from the typical orientation of don't do this and definitely do this, we decided to explore Kensington.

The Museum of Natural History
We walked along Cromwell Street until we found the museum of Natural History, this picture doesn't do the size justice and I managed to snap it in between the light sprinkles of rain that showered us all day.  I forgot to mention that this quest to explore was namely so that we could find somewhere to feed me....we walked along until we found a group of cafes and high class restaurants near the South Kensington Tube Station.  We walked around, looking at menus outside of several restaurants until the three of us decided on a small sandwich shop called Greenfield.  It was small, probably only seating twenty people at maximum capacity, we all ordered sandwiches.  Being the cheese and bacon lover that I am, I ordered a brie, bacon and cranberry jam sandwich with chips.  It was ungodly delicious, possibly due to the fact that it had brie and bacon together in a warm slightly melted sandwich; or also possibly because I was famished by the time we decided on where to eat.  After we finished eating we walked around Kensington some more looking at all the shops and just taking in the beautiful architecture of that part of London.

The delicious brie, bacon, and cranberry jam sandwich
I have another evening out on the town in Ealing, the borough where I live, in front of me tonight so I can guarantee that I'll have more to update on the local pub scene and possibly even a club or two.  Until then I hope you all go eat some brie and feel as happy as I do right now.  

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